How to lace Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces

How to lace your Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces

The Air Force 1 sneakers are a classic and iconic design, but they can look even more stylish with long laces. Long laces give the sneakers a unique look that sets them apart from the standard style. Lacing your Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces is a simple and straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. Whether you are looking to make a statement with your sneakers or just want to try something new, lacing your Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces is a great option. This article will guide you through the steps to lace your Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces and give you a fresh and unique look.

Lacing your Air Force 1 sneakers with long laces can give them a unique and stylish look. Here are the steps to do it:

Step by Step long lace styling for AF1 sneakers

  1. Start by untying your sneakers and removing the existing laces.
  2. Cut your new laces to the desired length, making sure they are long enough to reach the top eyelets.
  3. Take the two ends of one of the laces and insert them into the bottom two eyelets, starting from the inside of the shoe.
  4. Take one of the lace ends and cross it over the other lace end and insert it into the next eyelet, again from the inside of the shoe.
  5. Repeat step 4, but now take the other lace end and cross it over the first lace end before inserting it into the next eyelet.
  6. Continue this criss-cross pattern, working your way up the shoe, until you reach the top eyelets.
  7. Repeat the process with the other lace, starting from the bottom eyelets and working your way up.
  8. When you reach the top eyelets, tie the laces together to secure them in place.

With these steps, you should have a stylish and unique look for your Air Force 1 sneakers. Have fun!

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