Easy shoelace patterns to try

Easy shoelace patterns to try

Here are a selection of simple and easy shoelace patterns to try on your sneakers, trainers and shoes.

  1. Straight Lacing: This is the most basic shoelace pattern and is very easy to do. Simply lace your shoes straight up the middle of each eyelet, and tie them off at the top.
  2. Criss-Cross Lacing: This pattern is similar to the straight lacing, but you cross the laces over each other at the top of the shoe. To create this pattern, thread one lace through the eyelets on one side of the shoe, and the other lace through the eyelets on the other side of the shoe. Cross the laces over each other at the top and tie them off.
  3. Loop Lacing: This pattern is great for those who want a more relaxed, slouchy look. To create this pattern, lace your shoes straight up the middle of each eyelet, but don’t cross the laces over one another at the top. Instead, tie them off in a loop, leaving a bit of slack at the top of the shoe.
  4. Bunny Ears Lacing: This is a very simple and easy pattern. Start by making two loops (one loop on either side) that are roughly the same size. Then tie the loops together at the top of the shoe. This pattern gives a clean look to your shoe.
  5. Ladder Lacing: This is also a very easy pattern, To create this pattern, thread one lace through the eyelets on one side of the shoe, and the other lace through the eyelets on the other side of the shoe. thread the second lace through the loops created by first lace and tie the laces at the top. This pattern creates a ladder like look and gives a sporty feel to the shoe.